5 Easy Sustainability Hacks for Students

Study Together Team




Being eco-friendly or sustainable means choosing a lifestyle that doesn’t harm the environment. As the planet suffers increasingly from man-made damage, living sustainably is becoming more and more important. By making a few changes to our lifestyles, we can not only make an impact but also save money and become healthier as we go!

From what we eat to what we wear and how we get around, our daily habits affect the environment, the climate and other species. Take a look at our tips below to learn how you can do your part as a student. 

  1. Be mindful about resources 💡

Did you know that bottled water is 500x more expensive than tap water? Get a BPA-free reusable bottle and take it with you wherever you go. If tap water isn’t drinkable where you live, look into a filter.

Now that we’ve covered personal hydration, let’s talk about reducing water usage: 

  • Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth
  • Don’t run a half-empty washing machine
  • Don’t take hour-long showers

This goes for: when you aren’t in a room, turn off the lights! Also remember to take advantage of daylight, and open the blinds during the day to avoid unnecessary electricity usage. 

  1. Reuse and up-cycle ♻️

Whether it’s tote bags or containers - so many objects have more than just one life in them.  Upcycling can be a fun project! Rather than throwing things out, get creative and come up with ways to reinvent unwanted items. Check out this blog post for DIY ideas for household objects. 

When it comes to fashion: why buy new when vintage shops are full of much more unique pieces? By shopping second-hand, you’ll not only be doing the planet a favour, but you’ll also stand out from the crowds with your unique style. Win-win!  

  1. Re-think your commute🚲

Changing your commuting habits can seriously reduce your carbon footprint. Walk, bike, carpool or use public transportation as much as you can. If you choose the first two options, you’ll have the added benefit of getting fitter, too!

  1. Eat more plants 🥕

Meat production is one of the most environmentally harmful industries out there -responsible for for massive amounts of water use, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and habitat destruction! If going completely plant-based feels too drastic, start small by going plant-based for one meal a day. 

  1. Plant trees🌳

Trees are vital to our existence (and the existence of all other species) on earth. They are the most significant providers of oxygen and contribute to counteracting the effects of our global carbon emissions. They also play a crucial role in stabilising soil, which in turn sustains human life and wildlife. 

For most of us, planting trees ourselves is not realistic - which is why reforestation programmes are great for helping individuals offset their carbon footprints!

Our Study in Nature room has recently partnered with Tree Nation, a non-profit organisation that helps both businesses and individuals offset their CO2 emissions by planting trees all over the world. Planting trees has been proven to be the most effective way to combat climate change, and Tree Nation is on a mission to reforest the world one tree at a time. 

How does this relate to studying? Tree Nation will plant 1 real tree for every 50 hours studied! In October, the Study Together community spent 12,400 hours in the room - which means 248 trees were planted! What a way to make an impact while studying.

Looking for an easy way to make an impact? Enter the room now to start planting trees while you smash your study goals!